Despite the up and down weather and the continuing COVID chaos, our community has managed to find ways
to celebrate the holiday season. Heartfelt thanks to all who made our ‘Hot Dang, It’s Christmas!’ Parade and
Santa Party a fun time. Happy New Year, and now it’s time to get it in gear!
Year 2022 kicks off in a special way on Friday, January 28, 2022, with the 50th Anniversary of the Wallis
Knights of Columbus Wild Game Supper. David Hubenak of the Wallis Knights of Columbus recounts the
history of this homegrown event. From its humble beginning 50 years ago in a small two room schoolhouse
that served as the KC Hall, Council 3793 has transformed this annual fundraising event for local charities into
something special. The annual Wild Game Supper is now considered one of the largest in the state of Texas.
Dedicated Council members with culinary experience prepare wild game and other exotic dishes for hundreds
of event participants on a donation basis each year.
It all began with a modest raffle consisting of only five rifles and shotguns and has evolved into Grand Raffle
status featuring as many as 140 quality rifles and shotguns. This year’s raffle will include a specially engraved
“Knights of Columbus Commemorative 50th Anniversary” rifle.
The Council continues to honor, reward, and recognize area clergy men and women regardless of religious
affiliation. It also consults with County and local law-enforcement personnel each year to identify one
individual to be the deserving recipient of the Council’s “Peace Officer of the Year” award. In addition to the
Wild Game Supper, there’s the popular Gun Raffle and “Penny Potluck” drawing, along with other games.
Please join the Wallis Knights of Columbus for the “Golden Year Wild Game Supper” on Friday, January
28, 2022. Doors open at 6pm and dinner starts at 7pm at the Columbus Club Hall, 703 Columbus Road, Wallis,
Texas 77485. All are welcome to enjoy this one-of-a-kind event and support local charities! As preparations
are being made to host this event, the Council is mindful of the COVID-19 precautions.
Wednesday, January 12th 7am – 11:30am: GIVE BLOOD at Parkway Fellowship 270043 FM 1093
Fulshear Katy Area Chamber of Commerce Community Blood Drive ~ Make Appt: giveblood.org
January 13th – April 21st Every Thursday: Bluebonnet Master Gardener Association 2022 Training Class
8:30am – 12:30pm (2 classes will be held on Wednesday Feb. 16th & Apr. 6th). Graduation on Tuesday, April
26th. Austin County Extension Office 800 E Wendt St. Bellville, TX ~ $175 per person: Includes over 50 hours
of gardening education ~ Contact: 979-865-8072 or https://txmg.org/bluebonnet/apply
Wednesday, January 19th 6pm: Wallis City Council Meeting (3rd Wednesday of the Month)
6810 Guyler St. Wallis, Texas 77485 – Wallis City Hall (979) 478-6712 / www.wallistexas.org
Wednesday, January 19th: The KENNY Store – KEVIN FOWLER – Tickets Online thekennystore.com
Thursday, January 20th: THE BLUEBONNET OPRY – Darrell McCall, Mona McCall & Tony Booth Doors
Open at 5:30pm – Show at 7:30pm Tickets $8.00 * Grill Open with Great Tasting Food * Silver Wings
Ballroom 4100 Highway 105 Brenham, Texas * 979-451-0816 / www.friendsofbluebonnetopry.com
**Proceeds Benefit Hospice Brazos Valley.
Saturday, January 22nd 8:30pm: Saddleback Saloon Bar & Grill – STONED IMMACULATE
A DOORS Tribute Band * Admission $5 * 207 Main Street – Sealy, Texas 77474 * 979-885-7346 * FB
Wednesday, Jan. 26th 6:30pm: Wallis Development Corp. (EDC) Meeting (4th Wednesday of the Month)
6810 Guyler St. Wallis, Texas 77485 – Wallis City Hall (979) 478-6712 / www.wallistexas.org
Friday, January 28th Doors Open 6pm / Dinner 7pm: Wallis KC 50th Annual WILD GAME SUPPER
100 Guns to be raffled off – $25 per Ticket w/Odds 1-30 * Auction * Penny Potluck & 4th Degree Raffles
Columbus Club Hall * 703 Columbus Rd, Wallis, TX 77485 * 979-478-7268 / www.walliskofc.org
Saturday, February 5th: MARKET DAY- Around the Square ~ 9am-4pm & Bellville Farmers Market ~
9am-Noon under the Pavilion. Info: Tammy Bond 979-270-1434 / www.bellvillefarmersmarket.com
Saturday & Sunday Feb. 5th & 6th: 1st Annual TEXAS PREMIER CLASSIC with $30,000 in Payouts
200 Bird Main – Payout to Top 3, Entry $249 ~ 200 Bird Legacy Bowl – Payout to Top 3, Entry $249 ~ 50 Bird
5-Stand – Payout Top 3, Entry $55 ~ Register Now on ICLAYS.COM ~ www.TexasPremierSportingArms.com
Sunday, February 6th 10:30am – 1:00pm: ANNUAL SPAGHETTI DINNER FUNDRAISER ~ CDA
Court Queen of Angels #1538 ~ Guardian Angel Church Parish Hall, 5410 Demel St. Wallis, TX 77485
* $10 plate includes spaghetti w/ meat sauce, salad, green beans, garlic bread ~ Ben’s Chuck Wagon *
Presale Tix 832-259-1917 * Cheese Rolls $15 made to order * Raffle Drawing 1:00 pm
Saturday, February 12th 8-11:30pm: Happy Cousins Dance Club – TEXAS SOUND CHECK
Wallis American Legion Hall * 330 Legion Rd. Wallis, Texas 77485 * Info: Jerry or Sharon at 281-232-3531
Wednesday, February 16th: The KENNY Store – Bent Cobb & Wyatt McCubbin
Indoor Show Tickets Available Online January 20th at 10am – thekennystore.com
VENDORS: The Wallis American Legion 19th ARTS and CRAFT Show – July 9th & 10th
Accepting Exhibitor Applications; 10×10 Indoor Booth – Two Days $60, 10×10 Outdoor Booth – Two Days
$45 & 10×10 Outdoor Booth – One Day $35. Contact Joyce Giese at 281-743-3678 or jgiese3866@aol.com
330 Legion Rd. Wallis, TX 77485 * Doors open @ 5pm & Bingo 7:30-9:45pm
HOA INC. of Austin County HOA-Meals on Wheels **WE NEED VOLUNTEERS & DONATIONS**
Sealy, Bellville, Coushatta ~ Please Call 979-885-4188 or visit the Office 915 Frydek Rd. Sealy Texas 77474